Oh yeah, and we also designed a ton of records for Refuge.
Adriel Denae
Working with a beautiful collage by Carissa Sosnowski, Adriel Denae’s album pretty much designed itself. We kept the layout minimal to let Carissa’s art shine.

The Wilderness
Posters? We designed a load of those, too. We’ve included a small selection.
Refuge Block Party
Poster designed to celebrate and inform about a day of music at Houdini Plaza in Appleton, WI. We used the design language we established for Hopeland in Green Bay to marry the two.
Hopeland Festival in Green Bay, Wisconsin
Hopeland is an annual music festival in Green Bay, Wisconsin. We crafted a new look and feel for each year, and created collateral to go with it. For 2019, we created colorful branding, celebrating diversity in the same way as the festival.

Poster Series
All woodcuts made and stamped by Chad Brady, recolored and digitized by Dirigible Studio.

Good Water
Logo and concept designed for a bar, restaurant, and music venue on College Avenue in Appleton, Wisconsin.

Our Refuge friends at Neighborhood asked us to recreate a great design they made with a free logo app, but better.