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Matty Day

Matty Day


Matty's a lifelong musician whose passion for writing blossomed from his journey to enhance his songwriting skills, and both his writing and music have been deeply enriched by this cross-training.

[email protected]

2002 Atwood Avenue, Suite 221 Madison, Wisconsin, 53704

What are three things you wish people knew about you? Why?

  1.  I’m a lifelong musician. My deeper interest in writing really came from cross-training to become a better songwriter, but both media have been affected by my experience in the other..
  2.  My wife and I have five kids, four chickens, two cats, and one dog. I may spend a lot of time between my ears, but I’m very much rooted in the real world.
  3.  I hunt and fish. I’ve restricted my diet a few times due to ethical concerns for animals, ultimately choosing to overcome feelings of hypocrisy and guilt by challenging myself to become more closely involved with my diet. I consider this part of living out my values.

Choose one (or both)  of these questions to answer

  1. Describe a time when you felt you were doing worthwhile work or serving a greater good. Tell us what happened and how you felt. — Truly every time I go on stage to play music I do so with the hope of serving the greater good. Whether that’s a matter of temporarily lightening a given person’s burden or inspiring someone’s plight beyond the moment. It feels great to connect on that level. It’s fulfilling to get to use my talents while I have the opportunity, and nice to have my effort appreciated.
  2. Describe a time when you felt that your skills were steadily improving. Tell us what happened and how you felt.

What brings you joy?

My kids. My wife. My friends. My pets. Creativity in the face of apathy. Sunshine. Popcorn. Chips and salsa. Cooking. Spicy food. Record stores. Nature. Completing a jog. The success of the Green Bay Packers. People who enjoy life.

Describe the most magical place on earth, to you. 

The bar at Los Banditos in Green Bay. Medieval Times. Really, though, nothing sounds more magical than getting to go on a date with my wife, which we haven’t gotten to do since our youngest was born seven months ago. 

What are your desert island books and albums. You can take ten of each. Go. 

  1.  Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche
  2.  1984 by George Orwell
  3.  Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse
  4.  Notes from Underground by Fyodor Dostoevsky
  5.  Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
  6.  Hamlet by William Shakespeare
  7.  The Iliad by Homer
  8.  The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
  9.  Animal Farm by George Orwell
  10.  The Antichrist by Friedrich Nietzsche
  1.  “Exile on Main Street” by The Rolling Stones
  2.  “The Idiot” by Iggy Pop
  3.  “Low” by David Bowie
  4.  “Hunky Dory” by David Bowie
  5.  “Raw Power” by The Stooges
  6.  “Fun House” by The Stooges
  7.  “Definitely Maybe” by Oasis
  8.  “Beggars Banquet” by The Rolling Stones
  9.  “Electric Warrior” by T. Rex
  10.  The entire catalog of Elvis Aaron Presley

If your life was a movie, who would play you?

For the sake of maximal confusion, Australian actor Matt Day.

Why are you looking forward to working at Dirigible?

It’s a chance to contribute my skills and knowledge while working with people I like. The flexibility, yet regular work is a great addition to my freelance career.

Anything else we should know about you?

Not that I can think of—but feel free to ask!