Howdy, Partner

Yes, that’s right, our very own Jake Casey, disc golf extraordinaire and builder of all things (including cocktails) is now a partner at Dirigible Studio, joining founders Kindra Goehler and Sam Farrel as a leader in the quest for beautiful websites and killer marketing.
Jake joined Dirigible Studio in 2017 as a web developer and soon became a key team member during the process of creating our website building platform, Dirigible and custom WordPress theme framework, Launchpad.
Jake’s entrepreneurial focus has also enabled us to build out our cutting-edge AR and VR offerings. This includes product tours, virtual home tours, and an annual report exploring 50 years of UW-Madison’s Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences.
Jake’s work hasn’t just made Dirigible Studio and all that we do more efficient—his enthusiasm and can-do attitude has also made us a better team. Welcome aboard, Jake, and happy steering!

Published on Mar 12 2023
Categories: Jake Casey, News, Team
Tags: AR, Javascript, React, Software Developer, VR, WordPress